Sangrita Tequila Bar Woodstock

Sangrita Tequila Bar, Woodstock 137 Albert Road - Woodstock

• Bar
• Pub

Recommended by 2 people
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Based on 162 ratings and reviews
70 /100
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Ratings of Sangrita Tequila Bar

Last update on 19/12/2023
86 Reviews


Last update on 10/12/2023
16 Reviews


Angela Rosaline
The chef is friendly and can definitely make good food. Their patties are original. The staff is friendly. We had a great time and will definitely be back there to try some more good food. The decor is different, you have to check the place out for yourself!
Vernon Wentzel
+4 we are food & wine explorers we got a gift voucher for a main course, dessert & a bottle of red or white wine for two persons that's how we found ourselves at this venue! We have passed this place in the past and we always saw it as just a very large pub on Albert Road, Woodstock now we know why the pub impression as you enter the premises there is a pub but not part of Sangrita's Tequila Bar, the restaurant is right next door sharing the same entrance and very long glass enclosed verandah but more of this space belongs to the restaurant there are tables & chairs with some sofa's also making it look very lounge-ii and cozzii from here you have a very impressive picturesque view of Devil's Peak and also Table Mountain from a different angle very beautiful! It is so close you can almost touch the mountains! Let me just say that when we got to the entrance we had a bit of trepidation in us as the place on first sight looked a bit dodge-ii it was dark with a rather long narrow'ish passage-way but once we were inside and seated we we're able to look around evaluate and appreciate the rustic look of the place! Oldish kind of furniture, broken un-plastered walls, no fancii tablecloths but home-lii! Our waitress by the name of Pamela was very friend-lii and efficient she help very quick-lii and got us settled in! We had the option of two kinds of main meals the one been "Slow roasted pork bell-lii or lamb shanks in a tomato sauce" but we unfortunate-lii learnt that the butcher didn't deliver the pork bell-lii an excuse which we accepted so we landed up with the lamb-shanks which turned out to be just so delicious and well prepared we we're not disappointed! The red wine we choose was a Pearly Bay dry which turned out to be not so dry but fruit-ii so we real-lii enjoyed the wine also! Our dessert was a very juicy "stick-ii toffee pudding with a dollop of unsweetened cream! Mmmmmmm'ish good! We happened to meet the owner Alan who came around for a chat we learnt from him that this place offers venue services for up to 300 guest at a time and that they have such an event taking place on the coming Saturday! In summer months they have a "Chicken-Den & a Pasta-Den two separate rooms with doors leading out to the long verandah where there are tables & chairs to set down and enjoy yourself! We came and what we wanted we got here so we left happy & with a full satisfied stomach!..................
Chelsea Rutgers
Great Food. Good atmosphere. They have the best chocolate pudding I've ever tasted !!!
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11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00

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SANGRITA TEQUILA BAR, WOODSTOCK - 137 Albert Road - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 70 based on 162 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +27 21 447 3031



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